The Church’s approbation of our Rule of Life, on 17 February 1826, was a recognition and confirmation that our Oblate charism came from God, and that by following the Rule we were assured of walking on a secure road to salvation. It was this conviction that Eugene constantly repeated to the Oblates. It was this principle that he expected every Oblate to be conscious of in his daily life. Two centuries later, this continues to be the guiding principle for every member of the Mazenodian family who lives by the charism received from God by Saint Eugene.
Letter to Jean Baptiste Honorat, 6 October 1827, EO VII n 286 The biographer, Rey, highlighted this principle as he evaluated the year 1827 for Eugene: “In the mind of the Founder, all the difficulties of 1827 were compensated by a new favor. He had managed to print the book of the Constitutions and Rules abroad and introduce it in France without being required to request permission to do so from the government. Each of his sons had in his hands a copy of this holy book. They could find there, every day, the ideal of perfection to which they were required to seek in order to live up to the grace of their apostolic vocation.” Rey I p. 433. Allowing our hearts to be molded by a Rule of Life, allows us to be guided through the journey of life. At this moment, what is my guide through the journey of life?
“Faith means living with uncertainty – feeling your way through life, letting your heart guide you like a lantern in the dark.” Dan Millman |
“… after having served God and the Church on earth.” This leaped out at me this morning, this coupling of God and the Church. Much like the coupling, the connection that cannot be severed between each of us and God, between each of us and each other. Sometimes I forget that we cannot separate the one from the other – even though we try to do just that very thing.
It would seem that we have many lanterns to light our way. There are the Scriptures and the Oblate Rules of life, written not for the sake of writing but rather so that they can be referred to as needed, as desired. There are the many writings of Eugene himself and of others along the way, (some Oblate but not always). There are places, some in physical locations and there are places such as this. Ultimately all of them – gifts of the Holy Spirit given to help light our way, to guide us through and on this journey home to our God, with each other.
God has been so very generous with me, so many lanterns. At this moment in time it is the Oblate Rule of life as lived out by others and then shared here in this place. The light of the lantern not always bright but enough that I am able to look at where I am going, how I go and who carries me along. Inexplicably I find myself filled with gratitude for all that I am given this morning, this moment in time.