Perturbed by the zealous frenetic activity of his missionary Oblates, Eugene writes to Fr Courtès, the superior of the Aix community, recommending that he watch over the health of those entrusted to his care in the community.

… Adieu, be wise all of you, that is to say, do not kill yourselves, for that’s the only sorrow you can give me, I mean to make yourselves ill, for the rest let us not speak of it, I cannot bear the thought of it. Lack of virtue you may say; I could well have something to reply to that without nevertheless wishing to pass for being virtuous, for that I am certainly not.

Eugene’s concern comes from his paternal love for his Oblates – a life-long characteristic of his relationship with his sons. It is this expansive paternal love that makes him so special for me – a love which continues for us today through the communion of saints.

Adieu once again. I embrace you with all the tenderness of a heart which cannot be outdone by anyone when it comes to loving.

Letter to Hippolyte Courtès, 15 October 1826, EO VII n 258


“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.”   Jim Valvano

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    Today is a celebration day for sure. Today I celebrate the anniversary of my father’s death three years ago. His death freed him from the violence and pain that he suffered all of his life – a pain that seem to lock out all semblances of love from even his family and it helped to free me in a way. Today I celebrate the Feast of Michael the Archangel who I have claimed as my guardian angel back to the time just after my own small good friday experince of hearing the voice of my God and Savior (which was every bit dramatic and so I state it). Today I leave with others to go on our retreat, our Days of Reflection where we associates will work with the Oblates on Renewing Our Life and Mission and then on Thursday will be able to make our commitment to live as Oblate Associates of OMI Lacombe Province. A journey which began many many years ago and which continues today, giving a hum to life which became a throbbing and now is more of a vibration that my whole being feels, much like a heart beat of joy and wonder.

    Today, this morning, as there is every day, I have “Eugene de Mazenod speaks to us” which has become a daily staple in my life, a place that I learn from, am inspired and move back and forth as my base, and as one of the starting points of my day. “A father’s communication with his many children… that is one of the most agreeable occupations of my life” he wrote in 1857, which is what is written at the top of the page. It is truth which he wrote “I embrace you with all the tenderness of a heart which cannot be outdone by anyone when it comes to loving.” Frank wrote “…a love which continues for us today through the communion of saints.” That alone is worth the celebration that begins each day of our lives, and we live it out in joy and gratitude.

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