Writing to Bishop Guigues, Eugene shared his optimism about the Oblate presence in England, and its chances of expansion.

We are making giant strides. Apart from the novitiate which we are soon to have in England, as well as a house of studies, we are being offered at London an establishment which is under discussion with Mgr Wiseman and another magnificent establishment at Dublin.
All our members in England have an excellent attitude, are extremely attached to their vocation and filled with love and devotion for the Congregation. Moreover there is nothing easier than governing them. This is truly a blessing from God in that conversions are continually happening. An English bishop said to me recently while passing through Marseilles that the Oblates of Mary have made the Congregation the most esteemed in England, so impressive is the fine spirit and edifying example shown by all of them.

Letter to Bp Bruno Guigues, 4 March 1849, EO I n. 112

In the footnote, Yvon Beaudoin quotes from the General Council minutes of July 8, 1849 about the establishment of a house of studies and its importance:

“In order to attain this high purpose, the Most Reverend Father General has made known to the Council that he would choose the most capable Fathers to whom to confide this important mission prepared with intelligence and perseverance on the part of Rev. Fr. Casimir Aubert. Moreover, the Most Reverend Father General announced that it was his intention to send a certain number of Scholastic Oblates during the vacation to form the initial group of this house of advanced study. Several Fathers and Brothers were accordingly designated during the same session to become part of the numerous contingent destined to go and support as best they can the religious movement in England and to evangelize the poor souls still dwelling beneath the cloud of error and heresy in the vast English possessions spread over the ancient as well as the new world”.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    It is humbling to realise all that St. Eugene, his General Council and those sent out to new missions were able to initiate into our now current practices so as to aid each other as they shared their experiences of God.

    “And how should men who want to follow in the footsteps of their divine Master Jesus Christ conduct themselves if they, in their turn, are to win back the many souls who have thrown off his yoke? They must strive to be saints. They must walk courageously along the same paths trodden by so many before them; apostolic labourers for the Gospel who, while carrying out the same ministry to which they themselves now feel called, handed on such splendid examples of virtue.” (CC&RR, The Preface)

    As Henri Tempier wrote in his response to Eugene’s letter of invitation in joining him and a few others: he might not have all the gifts needed to be a good and fruitful preacher as his brothers, but he would offer himself in other activities…

    Is this not how Eugene’s sons and daughters in today’s world are invited to join the family according to the gifts and roles accorded to each of us as we rejoice in our calling?

    We offer ourselves in oblation as God has called us to, not to become little “mini-mes”. We respond with the gifts shared by the Spirit within us: that “fine spirit and edifying example shown by all of them.”

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