The Superior of the new mission to Algeria was Fr Viala, and he was busy preaching a successful mission in France just weeks before his departure. Eugene wrote to him:

I can understand that you have extended your mission by one week since your audience has been so attentive and enthusiastic but, you know, the Africans are waiting for you. You are already announced in the newspapers. The Paris ones have announced that your arrival in Blida will be very soon. Fr. Pulicani’s beard is growing splendidly; he is already so finely adorned as to create envy. Your chapel will be a jewel, and there will even be stained glass. A fine carpet has been bought and a credence-table and we are trying here to get together a small cargo for you. Fr. Bellanger has taken a very lovely missal from me.

Letter to Fr. Jean Viala, 17 January 1849, EO IV n4

In February of 1849, Fathers Dominique Pulcani and J. B. Bellanger, under the leadership of Father Jean Viala went to Algeria. Father J. B. Sabon and Brother Augustin Chalvesche soon joined them.


We pick up the Founder’s enthusiasm for the first Oblate mission in Africa in all the small details he describes.

I am amused by his fascination with Fr Pulicani’s beard! It seemed to have been a distinctive sign of the French missionaries to foreign countries. I remember the long beards of the old French missionaries in South Africa when I was a youngster. To us they signified the credentials of men who had given their life to God so as to minister to us.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    I find myself smiling as I remembered the pictures of many of the of the early Oblates who were sent to North America. Truth be told I have not thought about it much.

    There is a certain joy in listening to Eugene share about the collection of items that he will be sending to Algeria with Fr. Viala. I do not imagine that they had the money needed to buy all the items that Eugene listed, but I do wonder if he made a small appeal to his sons and people he knew… A stained glass for the chapel’s window, a carpet and a credence table… and a Missal from Eugene himself.

    Look what I have prepared for you because you are so dear to me and you are fulfilling a dream that I have had for so long. A proud father to his sons as they set out on their mission.

    This brings to mind how we experience the tender love as God prepares and nourishes us as we are sent out to share our experience of God in our daily living. It is deeply personal even as it is communal. Not something to be measured, but rather to receive and then shared with all those we meet. The Good News.

    It brings to mind not an image but rather more of an experience of delight and sweetness in the love that nourishes us as we prepare to go out to those we have been sent to serve and love.

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