Fr. Dassy was named superior of the new community in Nancy. He was a serious scholarly person and was in charge of a house of 20 people, including young priests and many novices. 28 year-old Fr. Santoni was the novice master, and it seems that the young priests had several differences of opinion with Fr Dassy. He had seemingly complained to Eugene.

Not only Father Santoni but all the young Fathers have the right to make observations to you but always with proper respect and reserve; but you yourself have the duty to conform yourself and to require that others conform themselves to what is written. In case of doubt, you should consult me. All this should be done with a view to the greater good, with all the consideration owed mutually by brothers who are moved by the charity of Jesus Christ and are well brought up. Take care, however, that you yourself set an example of the most scrupulous promptness in all that the Rule prescribes, whether for things or for people.

Letter to Fr Toussaint Dassy in Nancy, France, 7 March 1848, EO X n 970


Eugene’s response was to refer him to the Oblate Constitutions and Rules, which were meant to be used as a guide for community life and mission.

In this time of synodality, it is interesting to see its spirit reflected in Eugene’s words. Authority has a duty to listen to the opinion of others, no matter how hurtful these may be. In these cases they are to be “moved by the charity of Jesus Christ.” It is not meant to be a subjective exercise, but guided by “what is written.” In this case it is the Gospel as it is reflected in the Oblate Rule, approved by the Church as an expression of the Gospel.

Is this not what synodality is: Listen to one another in charity and be guided by the Gospel.

“Consult your friend on all things, especially on those which respect yourself. His counsel may then be useful where your own self-love might impair your judgment.” (Lucius Seneca)

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate says:

    We “are moved by the charity of Jesus Christ.” And this exercise is to be “guided by the Gospel as it is reflected in the Oblate Rule, approved by the Church as an expression of the Gospel.” A small light appears as we go about breaking open the Word of God, and walking together on the same journey: with the light itself coming from God. I silently shout Yes! It matters not that I haven’t recognized this before: I am recognizing it now. And so in that small light I am able to echo Frank’s words with joy and gratitude. I realize my desire to come to know the Word of God in the scriptures is happening; it is like the dawning of a new day, moving out of the darkness into the light – it takes time…

    The Synod took time and will continue in that way which is perhaps why the Synod cannot be hurried any more than a fetus in the womb can be rushed to be born… As humans we want to rush, to push rather than to nourish and allow ourselves to let God set the time.

    It truly is this beautiful Rule of Life that helps us to tear down our walls of self love, walls that entrap us so that we blindly see ourselves as better than those we meet along the way. It is when we allow ourselves to rebuild the walls to once again entrap us. Rather that we allow for the time to be able to get beyond our small selves and join up with others to walk in synodality with…

    Again the light smalls upon us as we open the precious Rule of Life that incarnates the living expression of our shared charism…

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