Religion, whose interests are above those of this world, as much as the soul is above the body, also shows us its sacred cause closely linked to that of the country…
May the Lord grant his Church that justice may inspire all the resolutions to which she will be subject! Then, in her contact with new institutions, or in her confident attitude towards them, she will be able to communicate to them something of that vital virtue which springs from her bosom. Then, what is sick in society will be healed, and divine approval will be granted to what must last. Then, but only then, will God’s eyes rest with complacency on the work of His mercy, as they once did when He saw that the work of His creative word was good, “and God saw that it was good”»,(Gen 1:10), and the heavenly blessing will descend powerful and unceasing to make peace reign among us in strength, as well as abundance of prosperity under the protection of our laws: ” Peace be within your walls and security within your towers.” (Ed Psalm 122:7)!
Pastoral letter from the Bishop of Marseilles, on the occasion of the general elections and the forthcoming opening of the National Assembly, March 20, 1848
In a world that might say one vote doesn’t matter…it does matter because each person is of infinite worth and value to God… Your vote is a declaration of importance as a person and a citizen.” (Dr. James Dobson)
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I find myself a little surprised at where Eugene’s words lead me to this morning and how I keep receiving glimpses of what I call the 2nd Coming of Jesus, the ends of time and the fullness of time. We are inspired to become love as we carry the physical and the spiritual as well as the lure of false idol that we create out of fear and a desparate need to belong to God and to ourselves.
I hear one word over and over again in my heart and it is the Eucharist, the greatest of the commingling of the divine and human. That to is happening now as part of the fullness of time. The Paschal Mystery, which is happening right now, in the present moment that is without end or borders. An eternal flow that we recognize in life.
For a moment I feel as if I am “all over the place”, but recognize that I am caught up in a flow of an ever-deepening awareness of love…