Our Rule of Life describes the goal of the novitiate year for those preparing to become Oblates: “Novitiate formation ends with a free and faith-filled commitment in the Oblate Congregation. The novice, having experienced the Father’s love in Jesus, dedicates his life to making that love visible. He entrusts his fidelity to the One whose cross he shares, whose promises are his hope.” CC&RR, Constitution 59

Eugene then lists some of the qualities that the novices need to work on in order to achieve this goal

All our novices ought to be characterized by
the most ardent desire for perfection,
real joy at being placed in a position so favorable to achieve it,
devotion for the Church,
zeal for the salvation of souls and a great attachment to the Oblate family,;
love, esteem and fidelity for the Rules,
obedience, respect for superiors, etc., let us help each other to attain these results ….

Letter to Henri Tempier, 18 June 1828, EO VII n 302

 What does my list of qualities look like to best achieve my Kingdom goals?


“Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives and principles.”   Jawaharlal Nehru

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    My heart thrills as I read the words from the Oblate Rule of Life, and equally from St. Eugene’s list of qualities that he wrote to Henri Tempier. I am a little awed and amazed at the capacity of some to be able to pull together words that so perfectly describe our shared experiences.

    Last October I made my commitment as an Oblate Associate of Lacombe Province. And so a stage of my formation ended with a free and faith-filled commitment that was made to the Oblates. Having experienced God’s love in Jesus, I dedicate my life to making that love visible; entrusting my fidelity to the One whose cross I share, whose promises are my hope. (Each thought from that tiny re-write of Constitution 59 is enough to reflect on for hours.)

    A one-time event that never ends, never finishes and that is repeated and deepened every day of my life. This is how I come to God, a part of giving my all to God. I think of my beginnings with AA. A set stage of formation. a base of immense depth that helped me to attain sobriety that is always deepening and changing. Achieved and yet still working on it. Those steps like the list of qualities written to Tempier, a part of and yet still growing into.

    This morning I have tried to reflect on what my list of qualities look like. Not so curiously I do not seem to have any words of my own to write such a list. I find myself responding and opening to Eugene’s list and and so there is no need but to look at how I give them life through my own. And it is his gift that I then try to share. Again I am reminded of how I find myself – in others – not on my own. There is awe and wonder in all.

    This is my ongoing novitiate, my ongoing formation. This too is part of the preparation for year two of our Triennium that is intersecting in so much of my life. Looking through new lens’. It is like the tides.

  2. Ken Hart says:

    Key to living like this is to define our ‘Kingdom Goals’. It is only when we have discerned our goals and objectives that we can assess where we are weak and plan an approach to strengthen those parts of our character that are letting us down. Lent might be a good time to undertake this task.

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