Because Eugene was a gifted teacher and preacher and had a natural affinity with young people, his Youth Congregation flourished and became a source of piety and good example in the city. Some of the parish priests were not happy with this because their youth preferred to go the house of the Missionaries. The catechesis they received and the preparation for the sacraments far outshone what was offered in their parishes.

He tried to do all in his power to ensure smooth relations with the local pastors. The youth had Sunday Mass as a group, and then would attend High Mass in their respective parishes. When it came to receiving the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation, he tried by all means to have the youth receive them as a group in the chapel used by the Youth Congregation. Apart from the ongoing catechesis he would do a three-day retreat to prepare them before the day of reception. On the day itself he tried to have the celebration in their chapel so as to maintain an atmosphere of prayer and respect – which was often lacking in the parish church.

The exercises were done as usual; in particular we prayed for those of the congregants who had made their first communion that day. The Director had prepared them for this great action with a three day retreat.

Diary of the Aix Christian Youth Congregation, 5 June 1814, O.W. XVI

Always trying to keep the pastors happy, he sent his youth to the parish preparation, but supplemented the activities with his own:

The insufficiency of the first communion retreats made in the parishes, and the abundant fruits that were derived last year from the special exercises that were given for the congregants by the Rev. Director in his house, have induced the Director to do the same this year. Only the congregants who are about to make their first communion are admitted to this exercise.
They will begin the Wednesday evening after the opening has taken place in the parishes. The next day and the following days the congregants on retreat will go to breakfast with the Director after the parish instruction. We begin at 9 a.m. and finish only at midday. We begin again at 2.00 p.m. to conclude only at 5.30 which is the hour of the parish instruction. At 7.00 we allow ourselves a little walk together in a secluded and solitary spot. On Friday, after the parish benediction, the congregants on retreat go with the Rev. Director to the church of St. Sauveur to place themselves under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Rev. Director makes aloud an act of consecration, that each one ratifies interiorly.
This is now the second year that this exercise is having a very good effect on these souls already prepared by two days of recollection and the very abundant graces that the Lord does not fail to pour out during this retreat. Trinity Sunday, the first communions did not prevent there being Mass and a short instruction in Congregation. In the afternoon, the congregants who had had the happiness of making their first communion in the morning went to their parishes to assist at Vespers and the other exercises that are done there on this day. In the evening, they went to walk in the Enclos of the Reverend Director by themselves, the other congregants went elsewhere for their recreation.

Diary of the Aix Christian Youth Congregation, 27 April 1815, O.W. XVI

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