Bruno Eugene Guigues was consecrated as the first bishop of Bytown (later Ottawa) in July 1848.
It is upon descending from the altar, very dear son, brother and friend, where I have just offered the Holy Sacrifice in union with that which you offer yourself at this time in your capacity as Bishop, in order to draw God’s blessings on you, your diocese and your ministry, that I write these few lines. I do not wish to put off until tomorrow the expression of all the sentiments which fill my heart, transported as I am in spirit to your side at this solemn moment when the Holy Spirit is working such great marvels in your soul. This beautiful day must be so devoted to you that I’m concerned only with you, either before God or with people
Letter to Bishop Bruno Guigues in Bytown, 25 July 1848, EO 1 n. 99
A month later, Eugene once again expressed his sentiments to his “friend, brother and son” on the day of the consecration:
My very dear friend, brother and son… I was united to the great event enacted at Bytown, the 25th or 30th. I was present to such an extent that you can say you were consecrated by four bishops, for the heart goes out farther than the arms can stretch; and it was with the Pontifical [ed. The missal used for the ceremonies of bishops] before my eyes that I called upon you all the blessings implored by the Church for the new elect.
Letter to Bp. Bruno Guigues, 25 August, 1848, EO 1, n. 101
“The heart goes out farther than the arms can stretch.” (St. Eugene)
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What a beautiful expression of love that Eugene shares with us this morning, as he loves with a heart as big as the world. Had I not experienced something similar in my own life, I would not be able to understand him and perhaps would have ignored his words.
Dare I say that we know how to love in this manner. This not a by-product of our offered oblations but rather like the fruits that have grown from the seeds of the oblation that were planted and nourished within us.
This morning I am reminded of the Joint Sessions of the Canada-US Region which are taking place in Washington DC. (
I take seriously the words of Ken Thorson OMI who speaks of the Provinces and General Administration leadership teams and what they are working for together with hearts that go farther than arms can stretch…