“That is what Holy Saturday has taught me about being Christian. Between the great dramas of life, there is almost always a time of empty waiting — with nothing to do and no church service to help — a time when it is necessary to come up with your own words and see how they sound with no other sounds to cover them up. If you are willing to rest in this Sabbath, where you cannot see your hand in front of your face and none of your self-protective labors can do you one bit of good, then you may come as close to the Christ as you will ever get — there in that quiet cave where you wait to see how the Maker of All Life will choose to come to you in the dark.” (Barbara Brown Taylor, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/learning-to-wait-in-the-dark_b_5175191)

In the end, though with sadness, I go my way, placing my trust in God alone. Let us love him always more.

Letter to Father Forbin Janson, 12 September 1814

OMI Rule of Life, Constitution 5:

“Wherever we work, our mission is especially to those people whose condition cries out for salvation and for the hope which only Jesus Christ can fully bring. These are the poor with their many faces; we give them our preference.”

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    I find myself thinking of a young Oblate that I know who is struggling with his health and yet seems to rise above his condition so that he might continue with the mission to which God has called on.

    Eugene’s words that he wrote to Forbin Janson could be applied to all of us, but especially to my friend for whom certain distractions are no longer a possibility. And yet “…there in that quiet cave where you wait to see how the Maker of All Life will choose to come to you in the dark.”

    Holy Saturday has changed for me this year. In the past I took part in any distraction that appeared before me so as to escape the waiting and rush about buying food for those I had invited to join me for Easter Sunday dinner. Today God invited me to join in a retreat with the candidates who will be fully invited to experience Baptism and the first sacraments at the Vigil this evening. I am a sponsor to one of them so join him in preparation for tonight, when together we will experience the Easter Fire and the Exultet, standing with and journeying with those who are taking these courageous steps.

    Today, it is my parish, and these seventeen who are a part of my mission that I lovingly serve in preparation for the Vigil tonight. I think of the many who will work to prepare a different celebration for their families, for those they care for…
    They are able to do this only because they will be “placing their trust in God alone as they strive to live Him always more.”

    How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them who bring God News!

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