Eugene prayerfully discerned the choice of Oblates to respond to the invitation to establish the first missionary community in the United States. He understood it as a call from God, and wrote:

Respond with joy to this call, be faithful to your vocation and count on the most abundant blessings of God and on a recompense proportionate to the excellence of the great mission you are going to fulfil.

Letter to Fr. Pascal Ricard, 8 January 1847. EO I n 74


“Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus.” Saint Mother Teresa

God, grant me the light of grace I need in my vocation to live each moment fully in your presence. May I focus on the quality of my life as opposed to the quantity of my achievements.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate says:

    “We are sent to evangelize the poor: the poor are evangelized.” I experience this in a deeper way this morning. Lately I have been looking at my vocation, our vocation as Oblate Associates and how I am called to live that. As Mother Teresa said our deeds to not give depth to our vocation, but rather it is the grace that Frank prays for to live each moment fully in the presence of the Beloved.

    A true story. I used to wonder why we did not have any “Oblate” Missions in this part of my country – like the ones that one of the Oblate Associates that I know was able to take part in. Perhaps if we had them I could really then say that I had been sent. This thought has occurred more than once in the past few years. I am so “freakin human” as one of my friends used to say.

    A couple of months ago I was asked by a parishioner to see if it was possible for his mother to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Before coming to Canada a few years ago she was baptized and received her first Communion. Now she wanted Confirmation. She does not speak English or French, but only her tribal language in which she can only speak but not read or write. Her son and grandson play a part in translating. She and I communicate each Sunday with smiles and hugs – for we recognize love in each other. But now I learn of her conversion, and the humility and courage of this great woman that God has sent to us, who wants to walk with us. The presence of God within her is palpable and she is this magnificent witness of living each moment fully in God’s presence.

    A glimpse of how I am sent to ‘be’ with and share my experience of God. Through my tears this morning I recognize and focus on the quality of my life, in the light of grace God gives me to live fully my vocation.

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