Bishop Eugene continues to reflect in his Diary about the experience of Eucharistic adoration among his people. It is an experience that invites our personal reflection on our responsibility to support the faith of those we care for – especially parents, teachers and pastors. It is a long text, but well worth the time to read and reflect on it.

… At St. Joseph, I entered the church with the Holy Viaticum, miserably accompanied as usual. I took my place behind the Blessed Sacrament after prostrating to let it pass. How happy I would be if, by all these external acts of my adoration, I could teach my people how to honor Jesus Christ in his sacrament of love. I would like to make myself even smaller still and forget myself completely in his divine presence to stress the glory due to Him and to have Him honored as he should be.

That is my heart’s most constant desire, and I never miss any occasion to instill these principles whether by my words or by my actions.

But it is not a question of mere external actions, but of sharing with others what God is doing in our hearts and lives:

But I would like to make known to the entire world the interior consolations I experience every time I carry out this duty. It has come to the point that when in my presence, to conform to the rules I prescribed during my uncle’s episcopacy, they prostrate themselves on two knees when passing in front of our Saviour, I feel an inexpressible joy and satisfaction which thrills me so tenderly sometimes that I am moved to tears.

It seems to me that I adore Him through everyone who passes in front of Him. I am happy to see Him receive this respect, and I accompany with an intimate movement of my soul this external act which exalts the greatness and power of my God. I say interiorly: yes, He is worthy of it, this honour is due to Him. Prostrate yourself even more.

I adore Him with you and through you. Would that He be known and loved by all those whom He has redeemed, He who is God like his Father, who did not need us and who sacrificed himself for us.

Eugene de Mazenod’s Diary, 10 February 1839, EO XX

” The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens to him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase; I must decrease.”   John 3: 29-31

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    It was only after checking the context of the scripture text from John that I was able to sit with Eugene’s words, and Frank’s words of direction “But it is not a question of mere external actions, but of sharing with others what God is doing in our hearts and lives.” A little like moving a few feet away from a great masterpiece so that I can see the whole picture.

    It was as if a great light shone on Eugene’s words and sentiments so they could find life together. They seem to give meaning to my life and the fullness of heart which continues to grow steadily; as I join John the Baptist, and Eugene and his many sons and daughters reflection; with both joy and gratitude that I am called to do that which brings me a fullness of heart in serving God, in being able to share my experience of God’s love with all others. So that in the end they too join us in an endless procession throughout life.

    The eyes of my heart witness millions of hearts reaching out, being freed to dance ever higher; each of their intricate steps matching the steps of the other hearts as they join and become one in a never-ending flow. Sadly my words are not able to fully express what I perceive with my own heart.

    How joyous is that we are called to serve both God and each other! Like the best man who lives in those moments only to serve and prepare the banquet for the bride and the bridegroom. Eugene himself like the voice in the wilderness crying out to prepare a way for the Lord; not only for himself or a few but calling all of his sons and daughters to join him. This morning it is Frank calling out, inviting us to allow Eugene’s thoughts and words to penetrate our hearts. Words that help me to understand in today’s parlance what Eugene is describing just as did Barclay regarding the quote from the Gospel.

    Those dancing hearts becoming an image of our living Mazenodian Family.

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