We are a missionary Congregation. Our principal service in the Church is to proclaim Christ and his Kingdom to the most abandoned.

CC&RR, Constitution 5

This short sentence contains all the elements of our vocation.

We exist to serve the Church: the Body of Christ, the People of God

Our principal service to the People of God is to proclaim: to announce, to share a message and conviction in word and action.

The content of our proclamation: Christ and his Kingdom. Not feel-good platitudes or nice messages, but Jesus Christ the Savior and the establishment of his Kingdom and its values.

The beneficiaries of our service” the most abandoned. Those whom the structures of the local church does not touch in its ministry – those who are abandoned because there is no one to effectively tell them about Jesus Christ and accompany them into the living relationship of his Kingdom.

This is the Mazenodian vision in a nutshell – there is no other reason for our existence. This is the summary of Eugene’s vocation, life and mission. As his followers, we are called to exactly the same life-giving goal.


“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.”   Andrew Carnegie

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    What an extraordinary way to begin the week on this Monday morning. “A happy service that proclaims, liberates and inspires”. This is how my being feels as I read over today’s reflection from Frank.

    Going through each line – reflecting on what each word and sentence looks like in my heart, in my life. Spelling it out, without qualifying or ‘prettying’ it up. Seeing in my service of love both strengths and weaknesses. Seeing the many little deaths as well as the many moments of of new life.

    Quite often in an exercise such as this I will question and worry about how “Oblate” is my service of love and the poverty and abandonment of those that I serve. And then I look at where I myself am sitting. I come here each morning to be nourished and inspired, to be formed and to then begin my day of going out to others, taking with me and sharing in the spirit of St. Eugene, and the spirits of all who make up this Mazenodian family, those who have come before us, those who are here with us now and those still to come.

    Franks statement: “This is the Mazenodian vision in a nutshell – there is no other reason for our existence.” is strong but also true. To some of us it might sound a little zealous and extreme – but then I look at myself and my life and I know that some folks might use similar words to describe me. I have to laugh softly as I am again filled with gratitude for this life that God has called me to. Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost, the Holy Spirit – who is so very alive in my life an who speaks to us hear through Frank and Eugene and the many others who come here.

    This morning is yet another opportunity to look at how “we are called to exactly the same life-giving goal”.

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