The current pandemic has not made it possible to attend Mass in our churches. I share this  text from Ciara Lubich which reminds us of the promise of Jesus:

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am present among them”

Matthew  18:20

Even though we may not be physically present to one another, we can make this presence real among us by declaring that we desire that this be a reality with others who declare the same desire. Jesus assures us that he IS present!

Chiara Lubich writes:

What struck me most, perhaps, in looking more into the reality of his presence, was that for him just a few things are enough. All that is needed is two or three people, and wherever he is, he creates what he came on earth to bring us: the Church. And so he aroused within me an immense passion to build thousands and thousands of churches, hundreds of thousands, millions, really millions of churches, made not of stone, but of two or three people united in his name scattered throughout the world. . . .
The idea of being able to build, with Jesus in person in our midst, an infinite number of churches, is the idea that I find so exhilarating in these days. I would like to communicate it to all of you, to tell you that we have a treasure in our hands…

Let s make this presence of Jesus a reality wherever we are.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there with them.” Of that I have no doubt.

    I think of how Chiara dreamed of building thousands of churches – all within the idea of Jesus in person, in our midst… Not so different from Eugene and his churches and how he urged us to enter into the presence, the heart of Jesus.

    This morning so many images pass before my eyes – all those I am not able to physically meet and be with. They are, all of them most dear to me, for I love them even as I still struggle with some of them. To vast a number to be able to meet with but from within the heart of Jesus all is possible.

    I think for a moment of a scene from the 1998 movie City of Angels – where there are hundreds and thousands of angels who stand on the ground and on the roofs as they greet the new day. For the past couple of days I have found myself throughout the day, off and on, silently singing The Deer’s Cry along with Rita Connolly:

    I arise today through the strength of heaven
    Light of sun, radiance of moon
    Splendor of fire, speed of lightning
    Swiftness of wind, depth of the sea
    Stability of earth, firmness of rock
    I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me
    God’s eye to look before me
    God’s wisdom to guide me
    God’s way to lie before me
    God’s shield to protect me
    From all who shall wish me ill
    Afar and a-near
    Alone and in a multitude
    Against every cruel, merciless power
    That may oppose my body and soul
    Christ with me, Christ before me
    Christ behind me, Christ in me
    Christ beneath me, Christ above me
    Christ on my right, Christ on my left
    Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down
    Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me
    Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me
    Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me
    I arise today

    Imagine the immensity of Chiara’s millions of churches, of two or three of us all gathered, singing this together. The music would fill the universe and beyond.

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