© Laurent Girard / Studio Mazenod (2011) – Tableau du Jean-Jacques Martin

1818: Eugene’s dream of never-ending horizons to preach the Gospel to the whole world:

N.B. And even though, because of their present small number and the more urgent needs of the people around them, they have to limit the scope of their zeal, for the time being, to the poor of our countryside and others, their ambition should, in its holy aspirations, embrace the vast expanse of the whole earth.

1818 Rule

1841: First Oblates sent to evangelise outside of France: to Canada and the British Isles and Ireland

Foreign missions compared to our missions in Europe have a special character of a higher kind, because this is the true apostolate of announcing the Good News to nations which have not yet been called to knowledge of the true God and of his son Jesus Christ…. This is the mission of the apostles: “Go, teach all nations,” this teaching of the truth must penetrate to the most backward nations so that they may be regenerated in the waters of baptism.
You are among those to whom Jesus Christ has addressed these words, giving you your mission as he gave their mission to the apostles who were sent to convert our fathers. From this point of view, which is a true one, there is nothing higher than your ministry and that of our other Fathers who are wearing themselves out in the glacial regions to discover the persons whom it is their task to save.

Letter to Fr Ricard, 6 December 1851, O.W. II n157

1861: at the time of Eugene’s death there were 415 Oblates in 4 continents. Today there are over 4000 Oblates in 67 countries



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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate says:

    Again this morning I find myself filled with wondrous joy as my heart continues to celebrate St. Eugene de Mazenod, our Founder and the first Superior General of our family – a man obedient to the will of God and who allowed our crucified Saviour to stretch his heart so as to accommodate the whole world.

    The first Superior General – not a position of command and power, but rather one who is like the shepherd who protects, leads, nourishes, and inspires: one who loves and serves. I think of Paul’s words to the Ephesians today: “Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son.” (Acts 20:28-29)

    A parental figure who teaches, cares for, leads and encourages and who give their whole selves to the loving service of God, the Church and all of us. One who sends us out as called by God: “As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth.” (John 17: 18-19)

    “We are sent to evangelize the poor: the poor are evangelized.” Not just a one time event but rather a way of being that is proclaimed and incarnated within our Rule of Life. The greatest joy which we celebrate with our lives as he sheds his light on all of us around the world.

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