Eugene had hoped to reinforce the small community at the newly-established sanctuary of l’Osier with two more Oblates, but events had forced him to alter this

Along with Kotterer I had earmarked Bernard for you, the wonder-worker of Switzerland, but an over-riding necessity forced me to change my mind. I’m sorry to say.

Eugene invites the community to try to see God’s hand in events – even if difficult to understand

Let us learn more and more to quiet our desires and let our will follow where Providence indicates through the events that it permits or originates.

Letter to Bruno Guigues, 27 May 1835, EO VIII n 516

A reminder to us to see events the Mazenodian way: through the eyes of our crucified Savior.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    “…see events the Mazenodian way…”

    Today is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. And it was on this day in 1822 that as Eugene prayed before the statue of the Oblate Madonna that he experienced and understood that he was right where he was supposed to be. And for those of us in OMI Lacombe Canada Province it is today that our new Provincial and his council are installed. So much to celebrate and give thanks for, so many grand events to carry in my heart.

    And today I will continue writing for my studies and go to receive physio. Later I will meet with one of my dearest friends to share a meal. In each of those events that make up the daily ‘ordinary’ of my life I will be presented with changes and the never-ending invitation to see in and with and through you.

    Lord, that is a lot to see and celebrate and it would be so very easy to allow my own needs and desires to distract me from you. Give me the strength and the desire to look through your eyes not just in the large events of life but also in the small ones – with all who I meet. It will be in that way that I will be carried with the flow of life that holds unexpected challenges as well as moments of profound joy and gratitude. It is in this Mazenodian way that I will continue to see all of life in the present moment.

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