In his prayer, Eugene now turns to Mary, asking her to accompany him as he lives his new responsibilities.

Virgin Mary, my good Mother, had I invoked you more often, I would not have so much cause for lament.
Be my help, O my Mother, by your powerful intercession, to perform all the responsibilities your dear Son has imposed on me in a different way than I have up to now,
so that by your help I may find my reward in carrying them out as I should
and, after their accomplishment, a greater reward still in heaven where I beg you to draw me when I will be less unworthy of entering in there.

Day’s Retreat, during the community retreat, 30 October 1818, EO XV n. 148

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    I read the title and think immediately of the Wedding at Cana where Mary after telling Jesus they have no wine, speaks to the servants saying “Do whatever he tells you.”

    But what does this have to do with Eugene and his founding community 200 years ago as they prepare to make their first vows, and what does it have to do with our own ways of celebrating this memorable date in 2018? What does this have to do with anything in my own life?

    Yet there is a degree of solace, of support as I repeat the words of Eugene: “Be my help, O my Mother, by your powerful intercession, to perform all the responsibilities your dear Son has imposed on me in a different way that I have up to now…” Eugene’s life of saying “yes” to God continues to deepen with a deliberate taking of vows and a “Rule of Life”. Jesus was beginning a new stage of life that would lead him to total surrender and I do see that being repeated with Eugene and his companions with the steps they are about to take.

    What does this have to do with my own life? This is not something I would have chosen to start the week with and I wonder if I am reading it all wrong. I am feeling a little unsettled. With all that is happening within our world, within our communities (both global and local) what would you have me do Lord – where would you have me be?

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