The cross of Jesus Christ is central to our mission.

CC&RR, Constitution 4

What more sublime purpose than that of their Institute?
…They are called to be the Savior’s co-workers, the co-redeemers of mankind.

1818 Rule, Part One, Chapter One. The ends of the Institute, §3. Nota Bene.
Missions, 78 (1951) p. 15

Over the months we have constantly returned to this central constitution 4 of our Rule of Life. It is the pivot on which the entire Mazenodian charism, spirituality, vocation and mission exists. Eugene’s “search for happiness” all came together at the sight of the Cross. The rest of his long and eventful life hinged on the sight of the cross and on working to bring everyone to its same saving vision.

For Eugene, and for everyone who embraces his vision, the Cross is the sign and vehicle of salvation. Whoever embraces it, automatically embraces the Savior and the salvation he offers. We wear it proudly and it spurs us to be transformed into this sign and means of salvation for others.

Every time I look at it I am reminded of the statue of Jesus, whose arms were blown off in war and never replaced, that has a plaque with the message: “I have no arms but yours.”

omi rule

“Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world…”   Teresa of Avila

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    It would be quite easy I suppose to become complacent in where I am in my life – or maybe not. For always it seems there is something that reminds me to awaken and become aware of who I am. This morning I sit with the cross – looking at it’s place in my life, looking at my Saviour’s place in my life. It cannot just be a morning thing and evening thing, a couple of one-time events that are separate from my daily life.

    Sometimes when I look down I see the cross which I wear I become very conscious of it, touching it, bringing it to my lips. Sometimes I will say just one word; ‘Jesus’. I am connected and whole for a brief moment. But there must be more than that.

    To be the hands and feet of my Beloved – such tiny steps and small chores that I do. Is begrudgingly or with tenderness? How do I look out at others? Are my eyes filled with my own struggles and frailty, with anger or impatience? Or do I allow myself to look first through the eyes of my Savior thus allowing Him to look through mine? Do I allow you Lord to look out through my eyes with compassion on this world?

    It will be in the little ways I suppose, with small acts of kindness and love, in how I serve my brothers and sisters around me. Actually there is joy in all of it – a sweetness to it – not that I am doing something good, but that I can do it for another. It is like sweeping the path so that another can walk on it towards you God. Is this how you would use my hands and feet and look through my eyes? I think then I am truly blessed to be able to play a part in all of your creation.

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