In preparation for the decision-making meeting of the cardinals, Eugene went to meet one of them, for the first time, on the day before.

I think I told you that Cardinal Pallotta had put me off until Tuesday at ten o’clock. I went punctually to this appointment. I was introduced immediately into the apartment of his Eminence who received me with every sign of a most amiable politeness… and showed me how pleased he was to make my acquaintance. He told me that although they had only given him two days to examine our case, he had hastened to read the whole position from beginning to end; that he was very satisfied, but had made a few small observations that he was going to submit to me…

Eugene then listed some of the minor points where the Cardinal had questions and wished to see changes, and continued the narrative by showing that it was the good work of the missionaries that most favorably impressed the Cardinal :

We spoke then of the good that our dear Oblates are doing and he was affected by the account that I gave him of their work, and justly remarked, on the subject of the miraculous cure of the dumb man struck by God [ed. an incident that had taken place during the preaching of one of the Oblates, Fr. Albini], that it was nothing in comparison with the miracles of conversion operated in souls.
I withdrew very pleased with him, and he appeared quite satisfied with me.

Letter to Henri Tempier, 16 February 1826, EO VII n 224


“Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one’s life.”       Pope Francis

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    “The tangible witness of one’s life” When first reading this I could think only of the very small acts in my life that have been of compassion and love, service and sharing. Nothing big or spectacular, just regular every day stuff that does not appear in the grand scheme of things to make much of a difference. I read it again and thought of the many mothers around the world, who give and love. They are the instrument of conversion for so very many. Their very lives are a preaching of the gospel, are a tangible witness of God in our midst. I often picture Eugene in my mind as a man striding forward one arm stretched forward holding out the cross – very similar to the statue of him in the chapel at the General House (perhaps that is where it comes from) – very much prominent, noticeable, leading. His preaching was with every part of himself, he preached with his life.

    This calls me to again look at my life. How is my life a tangible witness of the love of God? How am I a tangible witness of the love of God?

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