This is the one thousandth entry
of “Eugene de Mazenod speaks to us”

What started as a simple private daily reflection has now grown into a daily blog in English, French and Spanish with 369 persons who receive it each day by email and an average of around 120 direct daily visits to the site.

So, it is with a feeling of deep gratitude that I write this, the 1000th daily reflection! Thank you to each of you for your interest in making this venture worthwhile. Thank you to the Oblate General Administration in Rome, which takes care of the costs involved.

The inspiration and driving force for these reflections comes from the 1822 letter that Eugene wrote to his first companion and confidant, Henri Tempier:

First companion of mine, you have from the first day we came together grasped the spirit which must animate us and which we must communicate to others; you have not deviated in the slightest from the path we resolved to follow; everyone knows this in the Society and they count on you as they count on myself.

Letter to Henri Tempier, 15 August 1822, O.W. VI n. 86

Each reflection is an attempt to deepen our understanding of Eugene’s spirit and the inspiration it holds out to us today as members of the Mazenodian family around the world – lay, religious and priests – all of us as missionaries inspired by Saint Eugene de Mazenod’s charism.

My only sadness is not having feedback and reactions in the “comments” section of the website itself

 “A father’s communication with his many children… that is one of the most agreeable occupations of my life”

Eugene de Mazenod, 2 February 1857, Circular letter no. 2 EO XII, pages 209 – 222

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    Congratulations Frank! And a tremendous “Thank You” for your willingness to share St. Eugene with us us, for your reflections and thoughts on his life and how that animates us, lives within us today. “A father’s communication with his many children… ” this place has always seem to be an invitation to come and join into and become a part of a conversation. The image I have is of us all sitting around, at the knees of St. Eugene, listening, learning, sharing, growing.

    With a sense of coming together with others in the community, in conversation and the word ‘oraison’ comes to mind. It is here that I come to know St. Eugene, his spirit and how it/he lives on and animates and inspire. It is much like a launching pad, a base from which I move out both figuratively and literally as I begin my day. It is here in this place with Eugene that each day that I come to know myself more and more, for it is with the community that I become me.

    You have taken a great risk in sharing publicly your reflection and ‘take’ on Eugene and his life. It takes great courage and daring to move further afield than just immediate family and friends and share parts of your deepest self for there is always the risk of rejection. I am grateful that Eugene’s very daring and courage is so alive in you. Eugene was himself incredibly adept at making use of the all the resources available to him to get his message across, to work with. You are continuing that tradition, that way of sharing the charism.

    Thank you again Frank for this very special gift you share with all of us.

  2. Kirk Jacob says:


    Thank you for your commitment to this daily blog. I notice one of your favourite texts today… quote from Eugene to Tempier being his first companion.
    I have hardly been someone who is used to leaving comments, maybe it is time for a change from my end!

    Thanks Frank. Looking forward to seeing you soon at our Advent Retreat.

    Kind regards


  3. michael mcghee says:

    Congrats, Frank, on reaching 1000th entry!
    I find the course refreshing.
    Keep up the good work.
    Michael O.M.I.

  4. Paul Howard, OMI Associate of Toronto says:

    Congrats Frank on your perseverance to 1000 excerpts.
    I have just finished doing three Church history courses in the STEP program at the University of Notre Dame. Quite a contrast to my CH courses at St Paul’s U almost 50 years ago. What makes it different is the use of original source material. The use of it – the essence of your blog – alongside a good translation, makes for a wonderful journey to the heart of Eugene. I should have commented on an earlier post on how Eugene saw the importance of Mary as patroness of the congregation when he was ready to present the rule for approbation switching to Mary Immaculate from St Charles at the last minute. It was “breakthrough material” for me.

  5. John Mouck says:

    1000 = WOW!
    As you probably know, I start my day, every day, reading your post. I don’t know how you find the time with your busy schedule but I / we surely appreciate it.
    Thank you, Frank.

  6. Graciela Etchart, Oblate Associate Seattle says:

    Congratulations on the 1000, Frank!

    I read the blog every morning, and very often I share it with others, including the members of the Peace and Justice Group of a parish in Seattle, city where the congregation is no longer present. Thanks to your blogs St. Eugene’s voice is still heard in the city .. in his own words or in the words of his children, other Oblates.

    Eugene’s writings are always to the point, reminding us of our role in very refreshing (!) ways … and so are your own comments and contributions, often bringing a smile to my face to start the day. THANK YOU!

  7. franksantucci says:

    Thanks to everyone for your encouraging comments! I appreciate the support – it helps to keep the batteries charged to continue working towards entry 2000!

    • Anda says:

      I expect Frank, that in the quiet dark nights of few comments, you could in fact take comfort knowing that there are many more reading and commenting on the inner soul reply spot – reflecting on the words and themes you have collected and arranged for us from St Eugene.

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